The house of rags
The beginning
Oh snap, another YouTuber started a chemical company! But, while that's true, a few things set us apart from the rest. First off, it wasn't just one YouTuber—it was two of us, putting in a ton of effort and a crazy amount of money.
We started this journey a year ago with a simple concept: What if we created a brand that sold premium towels, made to our exact specifications in Korea, without the premium price tag?
That vision then evolved: What if we took our years of experience testing other people's chemicals, working with manufacturers, and developed our own custom brand? No white labeling—just our unique formulas, providing the best performance at the best price.
But then the vision grew even more: What if we offered our custom-made chemicals and high-quality, affordable towels, while also carrying the brands we love, including some that weren't even available in the USA?
And so, The House of Rags was born. Jamie and I have tested over 20 different soap formulations, gone through five versions of our CSS, and worked tirelessly to create a unique rinseless wash. We've tested product after product—compounds that leave chalky residue, soaps that won’t foam, interior cleaners that smell terrible, ceramic coatings thicker than my pants size—until we developed what we have today.
Now, we proudly carry not only our exclusive products but also the brands we love. Welcome to The House of Rags!
We hope that, as detailers and DIY enthusiasts, you'll reclaim control of your wallet and rediscover the joy of detailing.